Rejuvenating Your Eyes The Natural Way
Nothing can ruin a beautiful face faster than dark, puffy eyes. Even girls with flawless skin can look haggish or extremely tired with these bags under their eyes. There are so many creams and potions that promise to get rid or cover up the dark circles. Why bother paying money for those kinds of things, when you can get rid of the problem for free.
Honor The H2O
Puffy eyes, as well as any puffiness or bloating of the body, can be a result of water retention. When the body feels like it is not getting enough water, it will store it up. This results in the puffy appearance around the eyes and other places. Drinking more water and herbal teas will help keep the kidneys regular. If the kidneys are working properly, then your skin will be able to detoxify itself naturally. This means two great things for you: no more puffy eyes and skin that glows! It is also a good idea to limit caffeine intake also because they aid in water retention.
Synchronize Your Sleep Pattern
Those dark circles may have you hitting the sack for more shut eye. However, do not assume that more sleep will cure your dark circles. The truth is that getting too much sleep can also cause puffy eyes. The best way to get rid of the dark circles under your eyes is to balance out your sleep schedule. Aim for seven to nine hours of sleep. Also try to go to bed and awake around the same time each day and night. Following a sleep schedule will bring about many other health and beauty benefits as well.
Skip Out On Sugar
I know. Your motto is, “Give me chocolate, or give me death.” Cutting back on your sugar intake by half or more, you should see results quickly. Satisfy your sweet tooth with fruits and natural fruit juices instead. Not only will you be getting rid of your puffy eyes, but you will be cleaning out your arteries, losing weight, letting your skin glow again. Is sugar really worth having clogged arteries, unbuttonable pants, and dim skin?
Be Cool As A Cucumber
This is one solution to rid puffy eyes that no one will object to. Treat yourself every day or other day with fifteen minutes of having cucumber slices or cold tea bags on your eyes. The cold temperatures will cut back on the swelling right away. The natural juices in each will also relieve sore eyes and help you feel revived. We personally prefer to use tea bags instead of cucumbers, but to each their own.

Additional Recommendation: Revitol Eye Cream
Revitol Eye Cream is a fantastic choice for getting rid of dark circles and overall for making your eyes look younger. I have reviewed this product extensively here, and because it’s all natural I thought I would include it in this post.